Surrey County Cricket Club is very special as it is owned by its Members, who hold a non-transferable 5p share for the period of their Membership. The General Committee, an elected panel of Club Members, normally meets six times each year and provides oversight of the Club and governs the Club rules. The Chair is elected by the General Committee and is also the chair of the Surrey Board which oversees how the Club is ran day-to-day by the executive team.
*Registered number 27896R.
Organisation Structure
Management of the Club is assigned by the Club Rules to the General Committee. The effective running of the Club is then delegated to the Board. The Chair and Honorary Treasurer, elected by the General Committee, sit on the Board.
General Committee
The Surrey County Cricket Club General Committee consists of sixteen elected Members (who must be Members of the Club). There is also a President, Deputy President and Honorary Treasurer, who are elected annually at the AGM. The Chair of the General Committee is elected annually.
The General Committee typically meet six times a year and provide authority on larger Club issues, for instance approval of budgets, ground development projects or Membership policies. The running of the Club is covered by the Board, and Executive Directors report to the Committee via a written Executive Report, published internally on a monthly basis.
Members of the General Committee are elected for a four-year term, with a minimum two year gap before re-election. Any Member can be put forward for election, provided they are nominated by 5 current Members of the Club. These nomination forms can be requested from the Club, and candidates have until 31 January to put themselves forward for election to the General Committee.
Surrey Board
The Board has full delegated authority from the General Committee to oversee the management of the Club’s activities, which are carried out day to day by the Executive Leadership Group.
Board shall include the following:
- The Club Chair (ex officio)
- The Honorary Treasurer (ex officio)
- The Chief Executive (ex officio)
- A minimum of 3 Non-Executive directors.
The role of the Board is to oversee the stewardship, accountability and leadership of the Club providing clear sighted counsel on the strategic direction of the Club and alignment to its Purposes and Values, primarily to be the leading Cricket Club in the country.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee provides guidance and oversight to the Board and General Committee on financial planning, management and reporting, risk management and internal control, and the annual report, accounts and audit.
The Audit Committee typically meet four times a year, and is chaired by the Honorary Treasurer.
The Board shall maintain oversight of the development, preparation and execution of the Club’s Strategic Plan, underpinning the Club’s purposes, objectives, financial performance and fulfilment of regulatory, compliance and legal requirements.
In 2023, the Club published its strategy “to be recognised as the greatest, most inclusive and sustainable cricket club in the world, one that all fans want to visit”.
What we are:
- We are a cricket club
- We are a force for good
- We make a positive impact
- We are a social enterprise
How will we do it?
- Being the best team(s)
- Being the best venue
- Being the best neighbour
- Being net zero by 2030
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